Saturday, June 27, 2009

Linux anyone?

So, I've come to terms with the fact that I have NO IDEA HOW TO DO ANYTHING IN THE LAB!!! The programming is so flipping complicated!! I talked with Jon Hendrickson and he said, he was just as lost as I am at this point in the internship, but still....I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing!! I feel like a total idiot asking questions ALL THE TIME, and I can't tell how angry my RA's are that I'm doing it....but they DO NOT LOOK HAPPY....I'm probably not supposed to make this a tell all story of my lab, but I still feel like such a fool....And one of the other RA's (I'm not dropping names) treats me like a 4 year old...kind of rags on me too...

So add the Stress of Intro to Psychology at Harvard into the mix, as well as trying to be accepted at my lab, and you basically have Freshman Year at Brooks, but blown up a zillion times.....oy vey....I hope this gets better...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Get on the inbound Red Line in Harvard Square, switch to the outbound green line at park street, hop on the E train to longwood medical center (because thats the only one I can take to get to bwh/brighams circle) HOPEFULLY Get my ID Badge, hop back on the inbound E train to Copely square, switch to any other outbound train to Kenmore Squre (FENWAY!!!!), Go to work......and hope to god my head doesn't explode.

Thankfully, I made it. And I got my badge. And I have to say, I'm quite proud of myself....The orientation was tedious....but I now know each and every color of the rainbow has something to do with a disaster that can occur at the hospital (Who knew Code White was a bomb threat?). Orientation took almost 5 hours, and There were SOOOO many forms to keep track of, but I MADE IT!!!! To whoever does this internship next year, track me down and I can show you how to do this like a pro.

I also love everyone at the lab...they're all wicked funny!!! Everybody's soooo nice, and I actually felt pretty at ease on my first day!!! (When I got there at 3 and worked till not really a full day.) I couldn't do anything science related, unfortunatley, but I did set up my own personal bwh account, complete with email and password. Then I got to read AGAIN all about patient confidentiality (They couldn't let me work until I took an online course on patient treatment and respect for research....consent and everything...). But I can't WAIT for tomorrow!!

Oh, and my ID badge photo? Its hideous....Shrek meets Frankenstein meets awkward teenager.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting Started!

So, SFS. Pretty daunting.

Since I was a freshman at Brooks I had worked my hardest to get the internship. I took honors level sciences, I did science oriented jobs over the summer, ANYTHING to show my interest. I had always loved science, so this screamed "GO FOR IT!!!" to me. So when junior year finally came, I went out for the internship. There was an application and an interview before the science department. Unfortunately, I was turned down once for my internship of choice, which was pretty devastating. But thankfully, an internship opened up when the math department offered one originally under the command of the science department working at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, MA. There was another interview, and a similar application process, so I, again, jumped at the opportunity to hopefully receive a spot. A week after March break, I was elated to find that I received the internship....WOOOO!!!! I am now attending Harvard Summer School, and will be commuting on the T to get to my job at the Brigham And Womens Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, and will be analyzing structural and diffusion MRI scans to see neuroanatomical deficits in people with schizophrenia and related psychiatric disorders....Its a mouthful, but IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!!

Longest Blog Post ever, I know, but as anyone at Brooks can probably tell you, I'm pretty passionate about what I'm interested in.